Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Criminal Justice Process Essay

new-mades be non extended the right to a jury of their peers. What is the approximately earthshaking reason why this right is non extended to juveniles? Please explain in position why you chose that particular reason. I do non imbibe in mind that there is only one signifi tin cant reason as to why juveniles are non extended the right to a jury of their peers.I think that one of the multiple reasons for this right not being extended is beca subprogram a jury has to be commensurate to be responsible enough to truly show up, they have to be suitable to con game or not convict based on exhibit beyond a reasonable suspect and be able to disregard any evidence or statements when a judge asks them to. I do not think that most juveniles are mentally, nor emotionally equipped to do deal with the responsibilities of being a part of a jury. Most juveniles are dumb immature and when someones life is at stake and their freedom can be interpreted a counselling I do not think that having a child decide their fate is appropriate. wherefore do you believe that there are differences surrounded by the cock-a-hoop rightness arrangement and the juvenile justice system? Please explain in breaker point why you believe as you do? I believe there are differences betwixt the adult justice system and the juvenile justice system because of the differences in age, experiences, knowledge, and maturity. The juvenile justice system focuses on the rehabilitation of the juvenile, whereas the adult justice systems goal is to punish and obtain retribution for the crime(s) committed. Juvenile offenders are wedded sentences that seek to rehabilitate quite than punish.Some of the treatment options offered could include counseling and attitude in juvenile institutions that were as well as created to help restitute them. Adult offenders are presumption harsh sentences. The sentences given can include a fine and or incarceration in jail or prison. wholly of the sentences given are solely based on punishing the offender. The adult court system is in the main concerned with the offender paying for the damage that they have done to society and the courts isnt interested in rehabilitating or trying to change the behavior of the offender. afterwards reviewing this entire building in CJ Interactive, describe ship canal that you can use this interactive rooster to remedy your culture of condemnable justice concepts. Describe in detail the ways you can use this creature to further your felonious justice education, identifying at least three specific ways you would use this tool. afterward reviewing the entire building in CJ Interactive, I was able to see how this tool result help my study of criminal justice concepts. I am a visual and auditory defrauder and both of my learning styles are incorporated in the CJ Interactive tool.I was able to get a better spirit of many of the consequences that we have discussed in class and so far. For example through this too I was able to get a better understanding of the differences between the adult and juvenile court systems as comfortably as how crime is defined and measured. I will be able to use this tool as another way of learning and understanding the criminal justice system by using the rubric to learn the terms used to explain the criminal justice system and its process.I will also be able to use this tool to learn and understand the criminal justice system by utilizing the different ways information is given is given in CJ Interactive for example there are 14 buildings located in this learning tool and each building represents a different topic in criminal justice and gives us students accession to different learning modules, myths and issues, simulation activities, homework and review, and glossary terms associated with each particular topic.I can see myself utilizing all of these resources as a way to better understand the criminal justice system, my assignments that I have to complete in class, and for me to just use to gain as much knowledge as I can about the different topics in criminal justice throughout my college career at Colorado Technical University.

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